InThe M.U.S.L.I.M.byNour AlhakkBen-Gurion’s Stark Truth: “Most of the Jews Are Thieves”Israeli historian Adam Raz reveals the extent to which Jews looted Arab property in 1948Oct 1, 202415Oct 1, 202415
InLessons from HistorybyNour AlhakkLet the Torah Speak: Has There Ever Been a Jewish Civilization?All the cities from Acre to Ashkelon, and from Jaffa to Jericho, were built by the CanaanitesSep 14, 202423Sep 14, 202423
Will ShetterlyDueling Zionisms: The Best Lost, the Worst Won; or, Jabotinsky vs Einstein“Zionism uproots religious Judaism in a stronger way than Reform or assimilation, by creating new standards of ‘Judaism’ which will…Jul 16, 20244Jul 16, 20244
InThe Political PrismbyJeffrey HarveyAmerica is Dying the Death it DeservesR.I.P. United States, July 4, 1776 — July 1, 2024Jul 4, 2024273Jul 4, 2024273
Nour AlhakkBen-Gvir and de Chatilon: Will the End of Israel Be the Same as the End of the Crusaders?Both participated in attacks on unarmed civilians, women and children, in particularJun 22, 202419Jun 22, 202419
Michael DanielsIsrael does not have the ‘right’ to exist.Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign in Gaza shows us the dangers of granting states the ‘right’ of existence.Jun 1, 202474Jun 1, 202474
T H YIsrael’s Willing ExecutionersHundreds of thousands of people are being forced to flee, once again, after more than half of Gaza’s population took sanctuary in the…May 14, 20249May 14, 20249